Edit account access

Add, remove, or reprioritize customer access for a given account. See accountAccess object definition for parameter details.


Use of this route requires approval from Q2 and your bank partner.

Error Codes

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CodeMessage (en-US)Notes
1-60000Any "Common Error Code" may occur.See Common Error Codes
61018Product verification status is Denied
61037Requirement {0} is not verified for ProductId {1}
108201CustomerId {0} must retain FULL access type until another customer is assigned as the Primary Customer for accountId {1}.
108202CustomerId {0} cannot elevate its own access type on accountId {1} to {2}.
108203CustomerId {0} must be primary customer on accountId {1} to alter privileges of another customer.
108204CustomerId {0} must have access type of FULL on accountId {1} to alter access for CustomerId {2} to {3}.
108205Invalid customerId {0}.
108206CustomerId {0} is in a status of {1} and account access can be altered only to NONE.
108207accessTypeCode is a required field. Refer to API documentation for possible values.
108208accessTypeCode {0} is invalid. Refer to API documentation for valid values
108209NewCustomerPriority {0} is invalid. Please enter an integer greater than 0.
108210accessTypeCode of AUTHSIGNER cannot be primary on an account
108211targetCustomerId has not met sufficient onboarding requirements to be added to the account
108212Minors can only be added to Minor DDA or Minor Savings accounts
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