Renewal override

Override the base Helix card renewal eligibility criteria during a card's renewal period. A card's renewal period begins on the first day of the prior month of the card's expiration and ends the day before the client's scheduled monthly renewal job.

Card must be in an eligible status listed below to perform a card renewal override:

  • Verified
  • Reissued
  • PendingVerification
  • ReissuedPendingVerification
  • DigitalActivePhysicalIntiated
  • DigitalActivePhysicalPending


Use of this endpoint requires approval from Q2 and your bank partner.

Error Codes

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CodeMessage (en-US)Notes
1-60000Any "Common Error Code" may occur.See Common Error Codes
61400Program is not authorized to use this endpoint. Please contact your relationship manager for details.
198100Card '{CardId}' cannot be renewed before the renewal period.Renewal period begins on the 1st day of the month prior to the card expiration month.
198101Card '{CardId}' cannot be used on or after the card renewal job date.CardId no longer eligible for card renewal via job, please use card/reissue route to renew card
198102Card '{CardId}' cannot be used after the card expiration date.Card is expired and must use either /card/initiate or /card/createDigital depending on your card issuance type
198103Card '{CardId}' status {cardStatus} is invalid for renewal override. Please review /card/renewalOveride API documentation for eligible card statusesCard must be in a status of Verified, PendingVerification, ReissuedPendingVerification or DigitalActivePhysicalPending
198104Invalid requestCorrect the request and retry
198106Invalid card renewal override
198107Invalid card renewal override reasonOverride reason must be a string value of 20 or less
198108Invalid request after renewal job date run on different monthCard is no longer eligible for card renewal via job, please use card/reissue route to renew card
198109Card {request.cardId} cannot be used because of its expire date in future year.Card must be in an eligible renewal period
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